Do you want to create the kind of abundance in your business that allows you to feel SAFE & FREE? Six (or multiple six!) figures at 20 hours a week, work from the beach, eight weeks a year vacation kind of abundance?
Deep down you might know your desires are your destiny, but you keep hitting the same money blocks over and over. Like the money thing keeps getting in the way.
Maybe you've tried manifesting, you've said affirmations until you're blue in the face, you've tried all the money mindset tools, and they all worked, a little bit, for a little while, but you just keep hitting the same patterns of scarcity, stress, and overwhelm when it comes to money.
If that's you, it's time to move BEYOND money mindset into the deeper realm of healing your relationship with money and making abundance safe to experience in your nervous system.
When you do the root cause work to heal and integrate what created your money blocks in the first place, there's no mindset shift required!
Abundance is your birthright. It's your natural state of being. Money is meant to be easy. To support you giving and thriving in your best gifts. When you heal your relationship with money at a root cause level, abundance happens naturally.
I’m Jane Ysadora - a trauma-informed business coach, spiritual teacher, and speaker who helps coaches, practitioners, and entrepreneurs all over the world heal their money blocks at a root cause and grow profitable businesses so they can manifest abundance and step into the life of fulfillment, freedom, impact, and financial security that they truly desire.
— Angela Accomando, End the Hustle podcast
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